What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander: When You Don’t Heed Your Own Advice

Calculating success isn’t measured in a net worth statement. Self worth is not your net worth. Don’t compare yourself to the Jones’. There will always be someone with more money than you. The pursuit of financial success is not always the pursuit of happiness. Sometimes even the financial pros miss the mark with the same mistakes. Watch the interview with popular platform speaker, best selling author and registered financial consultant Justin Shaw.

The following is not at the level of the confessions of St. Augustine, but a confession nevertheless from Justin Shaw.

Achieving personal success stands at the crux of the American Dream. Whether it’s the dream of a large house or an early retirement, many people chase financial success with the same vigor as those that previously sought the proverbial “fountain of youth.” I used to be one of those people. Once I tasted financial success, it totally consumed me. My professional success was a mere reflection of my clients’ financial success. Within the first 10 years of my career, I had achieved levels of professional and financial success that would have taken most others 20 years to accomplish. I was driven, regardless of the ultimate price, to prove to my family that I was going to be professionally successful.

It wasn’t long before a vicious cycle formed whereby my perverted version of success became correlated to the material possessions I owned. Success was measured by material wealth and not by the understanding that money was but a mere tool to be used to achieve personal growth and success. Interestingly, the more I bought, the larger the void within me became. My troubles manifested themselves when I foolishly spent money on things to fill that emptiness within me. The more work consumed me, the less time I had to devote to those I loved. I had put work first, family second, and my relationship with God third. Soon it became apparent that this “lifestyle” was having a detrimental effect on my family life. My marriage suffered. Little time was dedicated to my kids during their formative years and at only thirty-five, I was the quintessential example of having more money than wisdom. While I was quick to dispense advice to my clients, I hesitated to apply said wisdom to myself. – Justin Shaw

This press release contains selected content from Amazon Best Seller Lists The Soul of Success featuring Justin Shaw.

Syndicated financial columnist Steve Savant interviews retirement specialist and registered financial consultant Justin Shaw. Right on the Money Show is an hour long financial talk distributed to 280 media outlets, social media networks and financial industry portals.