Planning your future involves much more than painting a perfect picture of where you will end up financially in retirement. In the second part of Rob Barton’s ( chat with Dennis, Rob explains how to align your goals for retirement with your faith. Oftentimes when couples sit down for long-term financial planning, their current portfolio doesn’t line up with their goals for the future. Rob outlines how imperative it is for couples to be on the same page to secure their financial future. These conversations can be very eye-opening, as differences may exist in risk tolerance and investment goals. Rob sees his job as clearly explaining the relationship between asset allocation, client values and goals. Socially responsible investing can be an important component of portfolio construction, to ensure the alignment of goals and investments.

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nvestment Advisory Services Offered through Institute for Wealth Management, Inc., a SEC Registered Investment Advisor, based in Denver, CO. Insurance products and services are offered through Carlson Financial Services, LLC. Institute for Wealth Management, Inc., and Carlson Financial Services, LLC are affiliated companies. Carlson Financial Services, LLC., Institute for Wealth Management, Inc., and Roy Carlson is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.