Utilizing Annuity Assets in a Turnkey Asset Management Program
Investors and savers alike are integrating annuities into their portfolios and retirement strategies. Annuities have come of age and are now accepted as legitimate financial products. Annuities’ guaranteed interest rates and guaranteed lifetime income are now recognized assets in allocation modeling. In fact, for the first time, annuities are displayed within a turnkey asset management program (TAMP).
Content: ChangePath is the first-to-market TAMP integrating fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) designed for registered investment advisors and their clients. ChangePath helps mitigate risk by infusing annuities based on the client’s risk tolerance on to its platform.
ChangePath’s unique TAMP is the newest evolution of cohesive reporting and asset assessment methodology. As reporting platforms go, this is a huge advantage for investors who desire blended wealth reporting under one roof. The integration of FIAs with traditional mutual funds, ETFs and REITs can deliver a holistic approach to wealth management and asset consolidation reporting to investors.
One aspect of the impact of annuities within a TAMP is the use of indexed annuities guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits, which provides retirement income and preserves residual assets for liquidity and other investment opportunities.
Purchasing guaranteed lifetime income with a cost of living adjustment rider (COLA) is growing in popularity among financial advisors to help solve three retirement risks: longevity, inflation and market volatility. Some seniors have elected to purchase “blocks of income” that stagger distribution start dates at critical milestones in retirement. The government created a Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs) to defer portions of qualified plan required minimum distributions (RMDs) beyond age 70 without a penalty. Guaranteed income in retirement is now the name of the game. Adding guaranteed, fixed interest rate annuities could reduce your overall risk in your portfolio, and using guaranteed lifetime income annuities as your retirement revenue source could help cover your domestic spending throughout your golden years. Watch the interview with investment advisor representative Dan Stockemer talking about the use of annuities for retirement.
Syndicated financial columnist Steve Savant interviews investment advisor representative Dan Stockemer on money topics that need addressing.